Berlin 7-day incidence rises
The seven-day incidence in Berlin has been rising again for a week and is slowly approaching the 60 mark. From 53.7 last Wednesday, it rose to 57.9 on Tuesday. Two districts have incidences above 70.
Berlin is visibly moving away from its milestone goal of pushing a seven-day incidence below 50. It is rather approaching the 60 mark. On Tuesday, the Senate Health Administration again registered a slight increase: most recently, there were 57.9 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. On Monday, this value was still at 57.2. Since the value had fallen last Wednesday to 53.7, thus a slow but continuous upward trend is noted.
Just three weeks ago, on February 2, Berlin recorded a seven-day incidence of 84.9. By February 9, it had already fallen to 64.9 - a development that slowed considerably thereafter. A week ago, on February 16, the seven-day incidence was 56.3, a level that has since been slightly exceeded again. Neukölln and Mitte currently have the highest incidences among the districts, at 73.7 and 71.0, respectively, while Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is best off at 44.1.
268 new infections were reported by the health administration on Tuesday, while 26 more people died with Covid-19 infection. The rising numbers are not yet noticeable in intensive care units, that usually sets in with a few weeks delay. Currently, 235 Covid-19 patient:s are being treated there, onefewer than the previous day. Thus, 19.4 percent of ICU beds are occupied because of Covid-19, and the corresponding Corona traffic light is yellow. The reproduction number is 1.04, so statistically, eachinfected person infects slightly more than one other person. This traffic light remains green, while the one for seven-day incidence remains red.
Image by Alexandra Koch