New Lockdown in Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister Presidents of the federal states have agreed on more stringent corona measures. These are extensive and will apply uniformly throughout Germany from Monday, 02.11.2020. The measures are for the time being limited to November.
Contacts must be further restricted. From 1st November onwards, private meetings are only permitted for members of one's own household and a further household with a maximum of ten persons. "This applies obligatorily and offences against these contact restrictions are sanctioned accordingly by the authorities".
Catering trade must close almost completelyCatering establishments are to close for the rest of the month from November 2. This does not include the delivery and collection of food for consumption at home. Canteens may remain open.
Leisure facilities must closeLeisure and cultural facilities will be closed. These include theaters, operas, concert halls, trade fairs, cinemas, amusement parks, saunas, amusement arcades, casinos, betting shops, brothels and fitness studios. All events that serve entertainment purposes are prohibited. Professional sports events may only take place without spectators. Amateur sporting events are prohibited.
Prohibition of accommodation for touristic purposesCitizens are urged to generally refrain from unnecessary private travel and visits - even from relatives. Tourist overnight accommodation offers are to be forbidden in November. Accordingly overnight accommodation offers might be made only for non-touristic purposes such as business trips. That corresponds to a general and country-wide accommodation prohibition.
Service companies strongly limitedService providers in the field of personal care such as cosmetic studios, massage practices, tattoo studios and similar businesses will be closed because physical proximity is essential in this area. Medically necessary treatments, for example physio-, ergo- and logotherapies as well as podiatry/pedicure remain possible. Hairdressing salons will also remain open under the existing hygiene regulations.
Schools, kindergartens as well as wholesale and retail trade will remain openSchools and kindergartens are to remain reliably open in November despite the sharp rise in corona numbers. The same applies to wholesale and retail trade. According to the resolution, however, no more than one customer per ten square meters should be allowed to stay here.
Emergency aid program for companies worth billionsFor the companies, businesses, self-employed persons, associations and institutions affected by the temporary closures, the federal government will grant extraordinary economic aid to compensate them for financial losses. The reimbursement amount is 75 percent of the corresponding turnover, of the previous year's month for companies with up to 50 employees. The percentages for larger companies will be determined in accordance with the upper limits of the relevant state aid regulations. According to the resolution, the financial aid will have a volume of up to ten billion euros.
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