Is Denmark vacation allowed?
Restaurants, museums, cinemas: After a very tough Corona lockdown, Denmark is now planning a long-term return to normalcy. In view of a current incidence value of around 50, the government in Copenhagen has presented a detailed plan to reopen pubs and cultural establishments by the end of May. This is a scenario that currently seems unimaginable in Germany. In this country, curfews were recently imposed in Hamburg, Bremerhaven and several districts in Lower Saxony.
In Denmark, however, the gradual relaxations will not begin until after Easter. How will things look until then? Will it be okay to hop in the car or on a plane over the Easter weekend and spend a short vacation in the neighboring country?
Day trip to Denmark: Can I enter over Easter?
Spontaneous trips to Denmark are as good as out of the question this year. The strict travel restrictions imposed by the Social Democratic government will remain in effect until at least April 20. Basically, foreigners without a permanent residence in Denmark may only enter the country if they have a valid reason for traveling and a negative PCR test or antigen test. The corona test must not be older than 24 hours. The testing requirement does not apply to children 12 years of age or younger.
Another Corona test must be performed no later than 24 hours after entry. If entering by air, this test must be done before leaving the airport. The regulations are thus even stricter than those that have recently been in force at Bremen Airport.
Entry in Denmark: What counts as "good cause"?
All entrants must also enter domestic quarantine for ten days. This self-isolation can be shortened by another negative PCR test after four days at the earliest. "Valid reasons" apply to commuters or people who have relatives in Denmark, among others. As the Foreign Office explains, entries for tourist purposes are generally not permitted. This also applies to vacation home and boat owners.
Day trip to Denmark: What rules apply to Schleswig-Holstein?
Special rules apply to Schleswig-Holstein. People from border regions are allowed to enter without a valid reason - provided they can show a negative test that is not older than 24 hours. In the case of valid reasons for entry, on the other hand, this test may take place a maximum of 72 hours prior to the time of entry.
Photo by Markus Winkler