Today is Earth Day, an event that has been almost entirely hijacked by the ridiculous and dangerous climate change movement. "Climate" appears a total of 10 times on the home page and 15 time on the subpage for this year's event. The first action item on the Greenpeace USA home page is...
German Engineering Jobs

Post Corona Blues

Like many husbands I have a pretty small suitcase. Well, small, anyway. All the better in this day and age, I hear you...

V is for Vaccine

My arm has often felt like a pincushion. A good example of this was during the SARS epidemic in 2002, when both myself and...

Women's shelters full, but male victims have even fewer options

Even before the pandemic, the numbers were dramatic: in 2019, more than 140,000 people apparently experienced intimate...

Yoga - the ancient key to a new way of life

Old words of wisdom are never fully realized until testing times creep unexpecedly into our lives, such as the Covid-19...

Vietnam Visa Irregularities

China's tourism sector has witnessed a rapid growth during the last few years. As per the 2018 China Tourism Statistics,...

What Really Happens When the NSPCC Goes to UK Primary Schools

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in Britain undermines parents, teaches young...

Shamelessly Corrupt and Incompetent Pakistan

The recent incident involving kidnapping and the subsequent killing of two Chinese citizens during June in Pakistan is...

Indian Patriotism on Display

The Supreme Court of India came up with a ruling in November 2016 that all cinema halls in India shall play the national...

German should be easier than French, but is it?

"French is prettier than German" Or "It's the language of love". "It's melodic, less harsh". "French is easier"....

Lost in a Bavarian Laundrette

I thought I had quite a good grasp of German. Until I moved to Munich, that is. I had spent months diligently copying...

Wise and focused leaders cannot give away forests!

I saw a young boy driving a huge horse along a narrow path directing it whenever it tried to turn around. I asked myself,...

Lovell's Lowdown

Only a few days into the 2012 Olympics and the first cases of doping have already hit the headlines - a gymnast from...

Facebook, Twitter and Co.

I love Fridays. I really do. Not for the reasons you might assume. It's media-related - my reason. I really enjoy the...

Church, State and Media Empires Get Buzzed

Social media is finding its voice and redefining the pecking order in global power institutions. Michael Comte, a...

Facing the Future

In the olden days, before coronavirus, robbers used to wear masks when they made their way into banks to make off with the...

A Shot in the Arm

Until a few minutes ago, I thought the letters VHS meant Video Home System, one of the two competing video systems of my...

Corona policy highlights Germany weakness

When faced with the threat of a new pandemic, ministers huddled together and etched ut their plans. The resolution they...

Reimagining diplomacy in the post-COVID world: an indian perspective

We enter 2021, hoping to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us. While each society has dealt with it uniquely, global...

EU faces uncertainty as Brexit and pandemic hit hard

As 2020 draws to a close, the EU unknowingly teeters on the brink. After a year of disastrous political posturing and...

Repression of predominant-Sikh farm movement could stoke fears among Indian minorities

A nationwide farmers movement has punctuated one of the largest food producing countries in the world with millions of...

Environmentalists should hope for quick economic rebound

We are seeing significant pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions as a result of the economic slowdown...

Extinction Rebellion, more hindrance than help

As Extinction Rebellion (XR) takes to the streets of various capital cities around the world, one can't help but wonder on...

Earth Day Network was wrong to connect extinctions with global warming

Monday was Earth Day, an annual event celebrated globally since 1970. Dedicated to demonstrating support for environmental...

Mainstream Media and the Shameless Manipulation of Women

Over a year ago, Donald Trump was elected as the latest US president, in a surprise result which hit the mainstream media...

The Ukrainian mentality or why so poor if so smart?

Whenever Ukraine finds itself in the headlines of world news due to political scandals, or because of the actions or...

Solution to the Stalemate in Kashmir

The Kashmir region in India is perpetually in the news because of the violence and anti-Indian agitation of the local...

The Only Opposition Venezuela's Government Cannot Get Rid of Is Reality

As Venezuela faces its most chaotic situation in its 216-years of history, both government and opposition prepare for...

India is not a democracy but 'demon-o-cracy'

India as per its constitution, is a secular nation but secularism has been blatantly misused by the majority of political...

Bahar Mustafa and hate speech

In Germany, there is little tolerance of intolerance. That may come as a surprise to some, namely those who are ignorant...

Crafting cost-effective policies against climate change

The Earth's Climate is changing. There is now one-fifth more carbon in the atmosphere than there was in 2000 and there few...

Germany Surf Paradise?

The title alone is an eyebrow elevator for anyone who hasn't stepped foot in the asparagus epicentre of Europe (Germany...

Don't Blame Germany

After attending an academic conference in 2011, I and my friend were on vacation in Miami, Florida. One evening we drove...

Spitz saves '72 and more

Being a child of the mid-sixties, most of my first real memories came to me in the early 1970s, with the exception of the...

Organ donation: to opt-in or opt-out

Timothy Potenz asks you whether you think Germans should have to register to become organ donors, or the other way...

A Summer of Sport

First of all, a very warm welcome to the first print edition of The Munich Times. We take a look back on an exciting Euro...

Lovell's Lowdown

Sports fans worldwide, not just in Great Britain, should be freely able to revel in Bradley Wiggins' stunning success in...

Lovell's Lowdown

I used to have the (dubious) pleasure of living next to Bayern Munich's training grounds. I say dubious because there is...

The Energy Conundrum and the EU

The EU went down the path of a single common currency with the hope of progressing to full political and economic...

The week in review: 14.05-20.05 A thud, a whack, a strike and a blast

What a week it was. It started out with so much promise for the inhabitants of Munich and then it just went thud. Bastian...

Prawn sandwich brigade descends on Munich

The biggest game of the European club calendar is finally upon us with tickets for the clash at the Allianz Arena like...