Corona incidence is now almost 700
The autumn and Oktoberfest wave in Bavaria is picking up speed. In the state capital in particular, the incidence of corona has been increasing faster and faster in the second week since the beginning of the Oktoberfest, according to figures published by the Robert Koch Institute on Thursday.
The official incidence in Munich is now 695.8, an increase of more than 172 percent within a week. In Bavaria, the incidence is also rising sharply - although not quite as extremely: On Thursday, the RKI reported a value of 594.8 for the Free State. On a weekly basis, this is an increase of almost 80 percent.
A direct connection of the particularly strong increase in Munich with the Oktoberfest can hardly be proven at present, but it is obvious: Also with other public festivals a strong increase in the incidences had frequently shown up about one and a half weeks after beginning. Often, these incidences continued to rise for some time. Experts had also predicted a so-called "Wiesn wave" in the run-up to the Oktoberfest.
However, the seven-day incidence, i.e. the number of new Corona infections recorded per 100,000 people within a week, has lost some of its significance in the meantime.
For some time now, experts have been assuming that there is a high number of Corona cases not recorded by the RKI - mainly because not all infected persons are tested with a PCR. Only positive PCR tests count in the statistics. In addition, late reporting and transmission problems can lead to distortion of individual daily values.
In total, 61 of the 96 counties and independent cities in Bavaria now have incidences above 500. On Wednesday, there were only 40. The highest incidence is in the district of Rosenheim with 906.3, which is the second highest value nationwide. Bavaria as a whole also has the second highest incidence in Germany after Saarland.
Image by Alexandra Koch