Bavarian government announces further easing of measures
The Bavarian cabinet elaborated on further easing of the anti-corona measures on May 26. Here are the most important changes at a glance:
Cinemas, theatres and concerts
Bavarian theatres and cinemas may reopen from 15 June. Concerts and other cultural events can also be held again from this date. According to the Minister of Art, Bernd Sibler (CSU), 100 visitors are initially permitted for outdoor cultural events, while the limit indoors is 50. As a next step, a limit of 500 or 350 people is conceivable.
For visits to the theatre there will be an obligation to wear a face mask and to keep a distance. The theatres are currently in the process of developing adapted concepts for their performances - for example, performances without breaks and shorter plays. In the cinemas, too, seats must be left free in order to guarantee the rules of distance.
Swimming pools and fitness studios
Open-air swimming pools in Bavaria may open again on 8 June. The same applies to fitness studios, dance schools and rehabilitation facilities. For saunas, wellness areas and indoor swimming pools, however, there is still no specific timetable.
Schools and day care centres
According to the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, all children should partially be able to return to their daycare facilities and schools from 1 July. He also indicated that normal school operations could be resumed after the school holidays, as far as the infection figures are allowing.
Gastronomy, VHS, buses
Beer gardens and other outdoor gastronomic facilities may open until 10 pm from 2 June.
Adult education centres and similar adult education providers will be allowed to hold on-site courses again from 30 May under certain conditions. In addition, the Cabinet has approved a rescue package of 30 million euros for adult education institutions and the self-employed working there.
Also on 30 May, coach companies may resume operations under strict hygiene regulations. According to the State Chancellery, however, only individual bookings and no group travel may take place.
New plans for corona tests
According to the state government, anyone in Bavaria showing corona symptoms should in future be tested within 24 hours. The results are to be available another 24 hours later. Without symptoms, the test is to take place within 48 hours; the result is to be available within a week. According to Söder, the federal government and the health insurance companies will pay for these tests. He again announced extensive tests in clinics, nursing and old people's homes, kindergartens and schools - on a voluntary basis.
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