RKI registers 16,887 new Corona infections

Mon 1st Nov, 2021

The increase in seven-day incidence in Germany, which has been ongoing for a good two weeks, continues. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the number of new Corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week at 149.4 on Sunday morning.

For comparison: the previous day, the value was 145.1, a week ago 106.3. The health authorities in Germany reported 16,887 new infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago, the figure was 13,732 infections.

Across Germany, 33 deaths were recorded within 24 hours, according to the new data. A week ago, there had been 23 deaths. The RKI counted 4,597,550 confirmed infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic, but the actual total is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go undetected.

The number of Corona patients admitted to hospitals per 100,000 population within seven days - the most important parameter for a possible tightening of Corona restrictions - was given by the RKI on Friday as 3.50 (Thursday: 3.31, Wednesday: 3.07). On Saturday and Sunday, the value is not published. The indicator must take into account that hospital admissions are sometimes reported with a delay. A nationwide threshold value, from which the situation is to be seen as critical, is not provided for the hospitalization incidence, among other things because of large regional differences. The previous maximum value was around 15.5 around Christmas.

The RKI gave the number of people who recovered as 4,275,500. The number of people who died from or with the involvement of confirmed infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 95,729.

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