Munich OEZ Mall Attack

Sat 23rd Jul, 2016

HOTLINE for concerned relatives or enquiries about missing people: 0800 7766350

UPDATE (01:30): police issue statement to clarify that only one attacker was involved, and that he killed himself. Public transport is now resuming.

UPDATE (00:30): the police operation is still ongoing and the situation regarding the gunmen is unclear. Police are investigating if one of the fatalities was a suspect

UPDATE (22:31): the number of fatalities has risen to eight, may be as high as 9

UPDATE (22:00): armed suspects still unaccounted for. Public asked to remain indoors. Drivers urged to keep the roads clear for emergency vehicles

UPDATE (21:24): police confirm at least six fatalities and an unknown number of casualities - previous reports of multiple affected locations were false

UPDATE: police reiterate the need for the public to remain at home and to avoid public spaces - no confirmed news yet on fatalities or the whereabouts of the attackers

UPDATE: police engaged in gun battle with the terrorists at OEZ - terrosits still at large

Munich police report that shots have been fired in the OEZ mall in northern Munich. Fatalities may have occured, with others injured and police are requesting that people stay away from the area and remain at home. Those people not at home are requested to stay away from public spaces. Initial reports indicate that there were three gunman involved, with no update as to the attackers' current fate or location.  A manhunt is under way.

The OEZ mall in northern Munich is one of the most popular shopping centres in the city, helped by its relative close proximity to the Olympic Park, which was itself scene to the infamous Black September terrorist incident at the 1972 Summer Olympics.

There is a massive police presence in the OEZ area, with reports that the area is completely locked down.  Police are asking people not to post photos of this incident on social media.

Concerned relatives can request information from the following number: 0800 7766350

Munich was on a heightened state of alert after two recent attacks, the latest of which occured on the 18th July. Today also marks the 5th anniversary of the Norway massacre, when Anders Behring Breivik claimed the lives of 77 people. 

Image: Creative Commons, Gamsbart

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