Incidence decreases to 807.0
The nationwide seven-day incidence for new Corona infections has dropped again slightly. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value on Sunday morning with 807.0. The previous day it had been at 821.7, a week ago at 834.3. The seven-day incidence quantifies the number of registered new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in this period.
The RKI further said Sunday, citing data from public health departments, that the number of new infections reported within 24 hours was 39,179, up from 135,079 the previous day and 39,784 a week ago. The total number of recorded cases of infection in Germany since the start of the Corona pandemic increased to 24,180,512.
Within 24 hours, 24 additional corona virus-related deaths were also recorded, according to the RKI. This brought the total number of recorded corona deaths in Germany to 134,179.
Meanwhile, people in Germany remain cautious in the face of high levels of infection. According to a representative INSA poll for BILD am Sonntag (1001 respondents on April 22), 71 percent said they would continue to wear masks in the supermarket. 29 percent answered that they no longer wore a mask when shopping.
In Germany, 65 percent of the population over the age of 18 perceive their health to be deteriorating as a result of the corona pandemic.This is the result of a study by the pronova company health insurance funds, which was available to the newspapers of the Funke media group in advance on Sunday.The problems most commonly mentioned are lack of exercise (35 percent), back and neck pain (27 percent) and mental illness (24 percent).
According to the study, 16 percent of people also recorded noticeable weight gain and frequent headaches since the start of the Corona pandemic. Ten percent complained of shortness of breath. 13 percent consume more alcohol and nicotine. Psychological problems such as depressive moods, anxiety or aggression occur particularly frequently among those under 30. Those aged 18 to 29 are also the most likely to report suffering from back and neck pain. A total of 1,000 people aged 18 and over were surveyed for the study in January 2022.
Photo by Mufid Majnun