The 29-euro ticket is to remain after the end of April

Sun 12th Feb, 2023

Image by Rebecca HolmBerliners are to be offered both the 29-euro ticket and the 9-euro social ticket beyond the end of April. This was agreed by the governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD), transport senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens) and social affairs senator Katja Kipping (Left). This emerges from a protocol statement, which was agreed on Friday at a special meeting of the Senate and which is available to the Tagesspiegel.

Accordingly, the transport administration is to develop a concept for the extension of the tickets within the tariff structure. In the Senate meeting it was also decided that 9-Euro-Sozialticket for Berliners with low incomes initially until the end of April to extend. Actually, it would have already expired at the end of March.

At the beginning of May, the nationwide Deutschlandticket is to be introduced for 49 euros. This means that adjustments to the fare structure will also be necessary in Berlin and Brandenburg. This is one of the reasons why the Senate initially decided to offer the discounted Berlin tickets only until the end of April.

Social Senator Kipping was pleased after the meeting: "The joint political commitment to a continuation of the 9-euro social ticket in connection with the 29-euro ticket and a new fare structure is a step forward," she told the Tagesspiegel. "I'm glad we fought for that one."

It is expected to take a long time to introduce a new fare structure after the launch of the nationwide 49-euro Deutschlandticket, as it must be done in close consultation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Transport Association (VBB). Transport Senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens) and her party had so far been skeptical about a 29-euro ticket for Berlin only that would extend beyond the end of April. The ticket is only valid for the AB area. When it was introduced, it had led to resentment in Brandenburg and within the VBB. In the election campaign, the SPD is campaigning to maintain the 29-euro ticket in the long term.

According to information from the Tagesspiegel, the continuation of the discounted social ticket for 9 euros was less controversial than the 29-euro ticket. The social ticket has always been an offer exclusively for Berlin. The joint declaration is not yet a decision, but indicates the next work steps and common goals. If the current coalition is able to continue governing after the repeat election, both concessionary tickets are likely to be extended beyond the end of April.

Image by Rebecca Holm