Taliban demand financial aid from Germany

Sun 5th Sep, 2021

The Taliban are demanding diplomatic recognition and financial aid from Germany. "We want strong and official diplomatic relations with Germany," said Taliban spokesman Sabihullah Mujahid. The Germans have always been welcome in Afghanistan, he said. Even in the days of the kingdom about one hundred years ago, the Germans had done a lot of good in Afghanistan, Mujahid said. "Unfortunately, they then joined the Americans. But that is forgiven now," said the spokesman, who is being touted as a future information minister in the new Afghan government. The new Taliban government wants financial support, humanitarian aid and cooperation in health, agriculture and education from Berlin, as it does from other countries, the Taliban representative said.

The FDP called on the German government to support Turkey "financially and technically" in the continued operation of the airport in the Afghan capital of Kabul. Turkey, "as a Muslim-majority country, is more likely to be able to negotiate with the Taliban and ensure the continued operation of Kabul airport on the ground than other NATO partners," FDP foreign policy expert Alexander Graf Lambsdorff told Welt am Sonntag.

According to Lambsdorff, the end of the West's military mission in Afghanistan must not mean the end of its commitment to the many people in need of protection in the country.

Turkey is working with Qatar and the radical Islamic Taliban to reopen Kabul's airport. Experts from Qatar landed in Kabul on Thursday to inspect the airport following the U.S. troop withdrawal and the end of the evacuation mission. With the resumption of flight operations, evacuation operations of foreign nationals and local Afghan forces are also expected to continue, according to Western officials. The airport is also critical to the country's medical and humanitarian needs.

The German Foreign Ministry told Welt am Sonntag that the continued civilian operation of the airport was "one of the core issues in the talks with the Taliban". The German government was ready to support the reopening of the airport, it said. In addition, Germany had heard "positive statements" from the Taliban in recent days to let those people who want to leave Afghanistan out of the country as well.

Photo by Sohaib Ghyasi