RKI registers 42,375 new Corona infections

Sun 22nd May, 2022

Image by Fernando ZhiminaicelaThe Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported the nationwide seven-day incidence as of Saturday morning at 342.0. This is according to figures reflecting the status of the RKI dashboard as of 05:20. The previous day, the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week had been 361.8 (previous week: 477.0, previous month: 720.6). However, the incidence does not provide a complete picture of the infection situation. For some time, experts have been assuming a high number of cases not recorded by the RKI - due to overburdened health offices and because not all infected persons have a PCR test done. Only these count in the statistics. In addition, subsequent reports or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values.

Health offices in Germany last reported 42,375 new Corona infections (previous week: 61,859 registered infections) and 120 deaths (previous week: 144) to the RKI within one day. Comparisons of data are again limited due to testing behavior, late reporting, or transmission problems. In general, the number of registered new infections and deaths fluctuates significantly from weekday to weekday, as more and more federal states do not transmit to the RKI, especially on weekends, and subsequently report their cases in the course of the week.

The RKI counted 24,575,600 confirmed infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not detected.

More than 521.92 million people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus. This is the result of a Reuters census based on official data. According to this, more than 6.66 million people have died in connection with the virus. According to experts, the number of unreported cases is likely to be significantly higher. The highest numbers are in the USA. More than 83 million cases of infection were registered there. More than one million people died in connection with the virus. This was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and is now spread in more than 210 countries.

Image by Fernando Zhiminaicela