Overview of Asylum Applications and Decisions in Germany: Jan-Jun 2023

Sun 30th Jul, 2023

In the first half of 2023, Germany experienced a significant increase in asylum applications compared to the previous year. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) received a staggering 150,166 first-time applications during this period, marking a substantial rise of 77.5%. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the asylum trends in Germany, focusing on the nationalities with the highest number of applications and the outcomes of these requests.

Top Nationalities Seeking Asylum

The top three nationalities with the highest number of asylum applications in Germany during Jan-Jun 2023 were Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey. Syria topped the list with 43,532 first-time applications, representing 29% of all applications. The number of Syrian applicants had surged by 77.7% compared to the previous year. Afghanistan followed closely with 27,310 applications, constituting 18.2% of the total. This represented an increase of 80.9% from the previous year. Turkey experienced a substantial surge in applications, jumping by 209.0% to reach 19,208, which accounted for 12.8% of all applications.

Notably, a significant portion of asylum seekers were children born in Germany, amounting to 7.9% of the total applicants. These figures highlight the challenges posed by the ongoing global refugee crisis and the evolving socio-political situations in the affected countries.

Decisions on Asylum Applications

In response to the surge in applications, the BAMF worked diligently to process the asylum requests. During the same period, the agency made a total of 132,747 decisions on asylum applications. This represented a 20.5% increase compared to the previous year, showcasing the scale of the challenge faced by authorities in handling the influx of asylum seekers.

Among the nationalities that received decisions, Syria had the highest number with 45,838 cases. Afghanistan followed with 24,790 decisions, and Turkey had 10,308 cases. The overall protection rate for all nationalities, including refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, and those granted protection against deportation, was 51.6%. This rate showed a slight decline of 1.9% from the previous year.

Dublin-III-Regulation and Transfer of Asylum Seekers

The Dublin-III-Regulation, aimed at determining the responsible member state for processing an asylum application within the European Union, played a significant role in handling asylum cases in Germany. In June 2023, 17.3% of all asylum decisions were related to the Dublin procedure, representing 4,359 cases. For the entire reporting year (Jan-Jun 2023), the BAMF processed 22,038 decisions under the Dublin-III-Regulation, amounting to 16.6% of all asylum decisions.

Monthly Trends and Regional Distribution

The data also revealed interesting monthly trends in asylum applications. June 2023 witnessed the highest number of first-time applications, totaling 23,194, indicating a rise of 88.3% compared to June of the previous year.

Moreover, the distribution of asylum applications varied across German states. The highest number of applicants sought asylum in North Rhine-Westphalia, followed by Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. These states attracted a significant proportion of asylum seekers due to factors like economic opportunities, cultural integration, and existing migrant communities.


Germany's experience with asylum applications in the first half of 2023 clearly reflects the complexities of the global refugee crisis. The substantial increase in applications from countries like Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey demands a coordinated and compassionate response from authorities and international partners.

As the situation continues to evolve, Germany's commitment to providing protection and fair consideration to asylum seekers will remain crucial. Addressing the root causes of displacement, fostering regional stability, and supporting initiatives for durable solutions will be key to managing future migration challenges effectively.

The report (in German) compiled by the Bundesamt Fuer Migration and Fluechtlinge, can be read here.