Five new underground trains are now running through the city
Five new subway trains are now in service in Munich. But laymen might have a hard time recognizing them. Visually, the new C2 trains hardly differ from the previous generation, says Oliver Glaser, who is responsible for the rails at Munich's public transport company. The technical differences are also minor. Only details such as the technology of the passenger information systems and the ventilation have been improved.
The actual goal of the whole thing might please nostalgics less: MVG wants to use it to "quickly continue the replacement of the aging A cars," as it says in the press release.
MVG wants to replace old streetcars
These are the box-shaped cars in which the door can still be opened with a lever and whose seats are made of blue leather. The first type of this series was built in 1967, the last in the early 80s - some of these trains are still running.
MVG has been gradually replacing these trains for a few years now. MVG has already scrapped some of the stock or given them to enthusiasts.
The new C2 trains can carry around 940 passengers (220 seats).
This represents an increase of almost ten percent compared with the old Type A and B vehicles. MVG has ordered a total of 22 of these new trains from "Siemens Mobility". According to current plans, they should all be ready for service by fall 2024. This will cost around 250 million euros. The Free State of Bavaria is providing financial support for the acquisition.
Image by StockSnap
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