Why is egg freezing so popular now?

Tue 6th Jul, 2021

IVF technologies allowed a lot of couples who lost the ability to conceive a child the natural way to make their dreams come true. And if a few decades earlier these procedures cost a lot more while having lower success rates, nowadays technologies improved to the point where every woman can freeze her eggs to preserve them for later or even surrogate pregnancy.

Vitrification is the most popular technology to freeze eggs-- the process is fast and successful for further pregnancy or embryo implantation.

"Parens Fertility" agency specializes in egg donation programs -- check their website to learn more about vitrification opportunities.

Better education on reproductive rights and overall female health made a lot of women consider freezing their eggs. Frozen eggs allow not only to conceive a child via a surrogate carrier but also delay the pregnancy of the donor. These reasons include:

  • undergoing a course of cancer treatments such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy that directly affect patient's fertility;
  • family history of early menopause or fertility issues;
  • plans of high-risk activities: military service, special forces and other activities that may lead to fertility problems;
  • a simple wish to delay parenthood without losing the quality of the eggs.

Gender reassignment procedure can also include storage of the fertile eggs in the case a person wishes to become a parent to their biological child.


How egg freezing helps families

Transgender patients, women who wish to delay childbirth, couples who want to preserve eggs of better quality for natural or surrogate pregnancy -- all of them found their own benefits of freezing.

Before an egg becomes an embryo and gets implanted, it has to go through the vitrification process that allows it to preserve properly. The root of the word -- vitrio -- is derived from the Latin word for glass. That is an accurate choice of terminology, as an egg goes through instant freezing that preserves the structure of the cell elements, not having time to destroy any of them under the low temperature.

Before the procedure was invented, families how couldn't conceive a child only had an option for adoption. While this is also a noble doing, sometimes a biological child is preferred more. The rapid development of reproductive technologies and especially this procedure allowed a lot of couples to have their own biological child.


Advanced vitrification technologies

Pregnancy rates rapidly increased after vitrification became a popular procedure. Success rates of pregnancies and IVF increased after women under 35 started to freeze their eggs. This can be explained by the fact that egg quality decreases the faster the closer the menopause is. Of course, there is a chance of having a healthy child even if the egg was retrieved after 40, but for natural pregnancy, success depends solely on the donor's age.

Every fertility agency provides its donors with storage. An egg bank https://parensfertility.com/egg-bank/ allows storing all the eggs in perfectly stable conditions, improving their chances of being fertilized successfully.

Advance in the IVF technologies allows more couples to plan their lives and families without being tied to the fertility window. Egg freezing is a highly demandable procedure due to the statistical decrease of birth rates in society and the change of women's life priorities. This process provides better life planning for women and the chance to become parents at any age a couple feels comfortable at.

The best way to learn more about the best reproductive technologies is to visit the "Parens Fertility" https://parensfertility.com/ agency. Find all the information you need at their website, pay a visit to Lviv, 36 Shchyretska st., or simply call +38 067 510 82 35 for the Ukrainian office or +4 812 333 74 77 for Polish one.